神说,天上一天人间一年,我这一趟是不是走的太远了,在我完成自己的任务后,我希望,我可以回到原来的地方,我愿为此努力!集中! 做自己想做的 珍惜现在自己拥有的 寻找自己未知的 我尊敬一切with love
Two lonely people just like myself, i can feel what are they feeling.I love this kind of movie, no more conspiratorial scenario,a simple stroy that make us to ponder over.
We are so lucky that we have best friend even we are not in the same city,we can feel each other by words, that will be enough cause our heart is always together!.
Maybe we can never know how much that we are changing each other,but that is good,to be changed. Until we both leave this world we can still remember each whenever we are, this is amazing.
Life is really hard now, sometime i always think that i will be back to china, things will be better ,i really believe that i will have a lot of fun during China Year, ya i will, nothing can help my life now except chating to my dear friends.
Anyway what will be will be,survive survie!!!!
The emotion inside my brain just like they were in tumble dryer smash into each other,the hurt though like i accidently staple my lips together. I want to be any body but myself.
Everone's life are like a very long sidewalk, someone will neat, others like mine
have crackes bananaskins and cigerate butts.
All of us are defective!